There are many types of gardens! Whatever your style, needs, or interests — we can cater to you!

  • Edible garden: Includes vegetable, herb, and/or fruit plants with or without a raised bed.

  • Annual garden: Only around for one season! We can both install and uninstall for a seasonal look. Annual plants are typically more ornamental and showy.

  • Perennial garden: Lasts for years! The deep root systems of perennials can help manage excess storm water.

  • Native garden: Good ole’ Wisconsin natives! Native plants are adapted to our region so they tend to perform better than non-native species. Planting a native garden is the perfect way to help support and attract local wildlife.

  • Rain garden: A great option for managing storm water and preventing harmful run-off from reaching our lakes! In a rain garden, a section of ground is dug out to create a reservoir for water. It is typically bark mulched and includes plants that thrive in wet soil.

  • Pollinator / Bird garden: Feed and attract your local birds and/or bees!

  • Prairie garden: Prairies are one of the most endangered ecosystems on earth, but you can help make a small difference! Prairies consist of both native grasses and colorful wildflowers. We can create a more “formal” prairie with plants organized by height and texture installed into bark mulch—or—broadcast seed an area for a more “wild” look.